
『ネットワード・インターナショナル・サービス(Netword International Services Pty Ltd.)』グループ、PCA『パシフィック異文化教育アカデミー(Pacific Cross-Culture Academy)』では、オーストラリア、クイーンランド州(ブリスベン、ゴールド・コースト)にて、岐阜県・広島県の中学校・小学校、高校生、大学生を対象としたプログラムや姉妹提携を多く行っています。英語を標準語とした業務と国際化の視点で、グローバル時代に向けた人材育成を実行しています。











Dramatic martial arts display

Students get a kick out of kendo lessons

THE piercing click of clashing kendo sticks reverted around Robina State Primary School last week.

As the rain poured down outside the undercover assembly area, Japanese teacher Masato Kato and 15-year-old student Maya Kaneko went at it hard in demonstrating the ancient martial art. Their audience was year six and seven students. The exciting display was part of the school’s welcoming ceremony for 22 Japanese students who have just left after an eight-day visit to Robina.

During the ceremony,presents were swapped between the Japanese visitors and their Australian hosts. The assembled students enjoyed several popular songs by the school band, as well as some cappella performances by the Japanese students. Teacher, child psychologist and businesswoman, Kaz Drake, watched the proceedings with obvious satisfaction. The tiny Japanese woman married to an American journalist, has for some time been assisting the Austrian-Japanese cross-cultural program involving Robina Primary and its sister school, Yamato Cho Junior High School.

“There’s no doubt about it… the program works very well,” she said. “Fifty years after the Second World War ended, the Japanese now realize fully that they must continue to internationalize themselves. “Of douse, English is the international language of business and therefore the language of most importance to the Japanese.”

The Yamato Cho-Robina connection has flourished since a fact-finding visit to Australia in 1994 by educationalists from the Gifu Prefecture, where Yamato Cho is located. This is about an hour’s drive from the sacred city of Kyoto. Robina Primary’s principal, Paul Bird, spoke to the visitors and a sister city relationship between the two schools quickly developed. Since then, Robina students have spent time in Japan every year. They have enjoyed the opportunity of staying with at Yamato Cho. Japanese students of Yamato Cho have done the same here every year. The 22 Japanese students who visited Robina this year came with Mr Kato; Yamato Cho’s principal, Mr Kenji Sakai; and another teacher from Yamato Cho, Mr Yoshimasa Wada. Many ongoing relationships between the Japanese and the Australians have also developed over the years. Yamato Cho’s Kitty Wong kept open the lines of communication between herself and Robina Primary and family she stayed with here three years ago before moving to the Coast to become a student at Robina State High School. This year, Robina Primary 7MB student, Jared Mosley, spent two weeks in Japan studying kendo, following a 10-day exchange trip there.

Mrs Drake said Jared, 12, made his second trip on a scholarship provided by her company because he was ‘really interested in the Japanese culture’. “That included the food… I think he tried every single dish he came across!”
Interestingly, Mrs Drake said the Japanese students who visit Australia find family life here very rewarding and respect young Australians have for their parents.

By Sean Hanrahan