日別アーカイブ: 1988/02/01



East Meets West(by Harold A. Drake)

Very often, the Japanese see Westerners as they fail to see themselves, particularly the peculiar differences in one language.
Is English a single language, one unvaried mother tongue? Not as a lot of astute Japanese see it – the people who post those signs in box offices.
Any foreigner in Tokyo has seen them, under the movie-marquee paintings of Alain Delon, Sylvie Vartan or whoever. Signs at the ticket-seller’s elbow will warn that the dialogue is in French or Italian, with Japanese subtitles, so that some unwary Australian or American doesn’t wander info a film he won’t understand.
Japan is one of the greatest international film markets in the world. Any language from Hindi to Serbian might turn up on a soundtrack.
And English, always. “A Tale of Two Cities” – dialogue in English, “My Fair Lady” – the same. But in that film, Professor ‘entry ‘iggins deplores a language that been vulgarized by slang and patois. It is an endangered species in England, he sings, and “in America, they haven’t spoken it for years.” Somebody in Tokyo, making up one of those signs, agreed with him. There was a film with Glenn Ford and Debbie Reynolds. Dialogue in American. Was it somebody who ‘ended ‘enry ‘iggins? Or was it a Japanese who boarded a cab in London, to be asked “where to, guv,” them moved on the New York to her, “where ya wanna go, Mac?”
There is a difference, and one thoughtful fellow here though that innocent moviegoers should be warned.



掲載記事:Service Club News Vol.3-88-1(フィリップス・ランゲージ・システムズ株式会社)【1988.02.01】