パシフィック異文化教育ランゲージアカデミーPacific Cross-Culture Language Academy(PCLA)
ネットワードインターナショナルサービスNetword International Services Pty Ltd.
Cross Culture
ホーム ▶ ネットワードインターナショナルサービス社について ▶ 異文化/語学教育の推進主旨
大戦の廃墟から各国の温かい援助(教育、物資、その他)を受け、又真面目な国民の努力により、日本は今日の繁栄を達成することができました。私は星条旗新聞(Stars & Stripes)等の第一線の記者として思い出深い数々のニュースを世界各国へ発信して参りましたが、米ソ冷戦崩壊及び20世紀末よりの宗教上の摩擦、テロリズム台頭に直面し、人類が新しい地球共生時代を如何に平和に暮らせるのかを、益々深く求められていると確信する次第です。
Mrs. K. ドレイク-妻は終戦後直後に生まれ、理解と愛情深い両親の元、幼少児より広く海外との接点を持ち、日米の伝統ある語学教育機関を経て、在日中の私の大きな内助の功を果たしてくれたと同時に、日本でのインターナショナルスクール、外国人コミュニティー、政・財界を含め、常に学びと教育、人と人との温かい出会いを作り、幼児→成人までの生の英語、異文化教育を樹立してきました。私の退官後は、環太平洋の隣人国-オーストラリア・クィーンズランド州の教育、スポーツ機関の支援、後援を賜り、祖国日本の青少年、管理者、語学教師の養成を日豪間で実施しております。微力乍ら40年を日本の皆様のご支援を賜り、幸な人生を過ごさせて頂き、今、妻のこの長年の努力に全力で此の地オーストラリア・クィーンズランド州を拠点に、日豪の掛け橋の担い手として真の支援を賜っております。
日米関係も終戦67年を迎え、様々な形で今後の共存、協力体制に入らざるを得ない時に入っています。20数年前に既にMrs. ドレイクは環太平洋で唯一の英語圏であるオーストラリアを、語学修得、異文化教育に適しているのみならず、政治、経済、文化での認識を高める事の重要性を感知し、独自のマーケティング、人脈作りを草の根から、又外交レベルで行い、極東、ヨーロッパ、アメリカ、中東を含めた全世界を舞台に活躍出来る若者の育成、特に大学生、英語教師トレーニングをオーストラリア連邦カリキュラムにてクィーンズランド州TAFEの日本代表として、某県教育委員会へのプログラム導入を決定する所に参りました。
ネットワードインターナショナルサービス Pty Ltd 会長/ジャーナリストパシフィック異文化教育アカデミー 学院長
ハロルド・A・ドレイク(Harold A. Drake)
Intention of Language and Cross-cultural Education Promotion
Japan has achieved today’s prosperity as result of diligence of its nationals as well as warm and generous educational and material supports several countries right after the end of devastating World War II. As a journalist at the forefront of mass media including Stars and Stripes, I had sent out history-making news to the world. I have eye-witnessed end of the cold war, which was followed by several religious conflicts and rise of terrorism since the end of the last century. Now, I believe that call for peace in the global community is getting louder.
The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan has been one of my first contacts to different countries. I have established meaningful relationships through my carrier as I met leaders of various countries and industries. I have continuously dedicated myself to development of cross-cultural understanding and training and education for next generations through journalism and language education.
In spite of growth of Japanese non-governmental organizations and their efforts, cross-cultural friendship and understanding in real term have yet to be developed. Especially, foreign language education for young generation is still in great need.
My wife, Kaz Drake was born in early post-war years. Thanks to understanding and caring parents, she had many chances to experience different cultures. Through language education in prestigious institutions in Japan and the United States, she has given me tremendous help and support during my term in Japan. She also has made energetic efforts in matching education and learning as well as people to people in international schools, expatriate communities and government and business circles in Japan to develop English language and cross-cultural education for all generations from children to adults. Since we relocated down the Pacific to Queensland, Australia following my retirement, she has contributed to training and education for Japanese children and students, managers and language teachers conducted both in Japan and Australia with support and sponsorship of the sports and education sectors
of the Queensland government. Based in Queensland, she continues her efforts to building a bridge between Japan and Australia. We thank all of you in Japan for your kind and continuous support which led to happy and fruitful relationship both personally and in business for the last four decades.
As we mark sixty five years since the end of World War II, Japan and the United States now need to shift to another dimension of mutual harmony and benefit in many ways. Mrs. Drake has realized the importance of Australia, one of a few English-speaking countries in the Pacific Rim. It is suitable not only for language and cross-cultural education but also for gaining an awareness of politics, business and culture. She started marketing activities, utilizing her expertise both in grass-root and diplomatic levels to provide young people with skills and opportunities to act globally including in Far East, Europe, the United States and Middle East. One of her current and remarkable achievements is that she was appointed the representative of TAFE Queensland in Japan and successfully developed training of Japanese university students and teachers under the Australian federal curriculum, setting in motion educational programs to a Japanese prefectural board of education.
Because of its limited natural resources, it is apparent for Japan must develop of human resources that can act globally. This is one of the most critical tasks. I believe is a great challenge in the twenty-first century widening wisdom and love of humans. This can lead to peace and progress in future generation. We are clearly aware that we must rush on to hand what we can do through our long experience in Japan to younger generations.
Harold A. DrakeChairman/Journalist, Netword International Ltd.
Principal, Pacific Cross-Culture Academy