
パシフィック異文化教育ランゲージアカデミーPacific Cross-Culture Language Academy(PCLA)

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ハル A.ドレイク【追悼お別れ会 | a memorial and farewell party】



KKD- April 8, Hal’s Press Club farewell speech

Good evening.
On behalf of my late husband Hal Drake, or friends and relatives, I’d like to take an opportunity to thank you all, first to the president, committee members and staff for having Hal’s celebration to his grand departure today.
I also thank all distinguished former senior members of the club – Max & Clara Desfor, Richard Pyle, Bruce Dunning, Pat Killan, Jim Colligan, late Jack Russele, John Rodrick, Alfred Smueler, Sawadish & Atsuko Deloy, Richard Hansen, can go on and on to name more… to help us to join the club where Hal was so proud of a club member as well as the Stripes’ reporter.

One of his biggest pride was to succeed the traditional Thanksgiving feast host after the Desfors left for the States. Of Course, his favorite menus were the club burger and chicken basket with gin & tonic.
As you heard messages and knew about Hal, I am very honored and privileged to be his wife, partner and soul mate. It has been an amazing and fabulous journey with abundantly and lavishly nourished and rewarded because of his greatness in every way. He was faithful, humble and compassionate and a man of honor and integrity. On top of everything, HE WAS A GENUIN GOOD OLD YANKEE.


His second career as founder of cross-culture, language, sports education organization in Qld, Australia was largely recognized and appreciated by his contribution of expertise of writing to promote Australian tourism, culture, including stories of the last war between Japan and Australia. His professionalism and personal charm captured Australian and Japanese people not only as an accomplished journalist but a gracious and gentle
intelligent gentleman. He was loved and respected by all level of people who could associate with.
As you witnessed our student and our friends’ children’s memorial messages, he adored children and young students who came to Australia to study. I will continue to carry on his legacy to enhance educating those who need help.

On this special occasion, I want to thank my late parents who gave marriage permission when my late husband came to ask for it. Because it was so strange that Hal told me that he was so scared and afraid of, if he was rejected to marry me, just a few days before he has passed away telling me he was so grateful to them.
Lastly, the Commander, Lt Col Porter of the Pacific Stars & Stripes who was so much expecting to attend this evening, regretfully sent his absence due to an urgent trip to overseas from yesterday. But thanks for his charming gift to us knowing that Hal loved to serve champagne for any celebration.

I would like to share with you with our favorite piano pieces by Robert Schumann’s DEDICATION which was presented to his newly wed Clara followed by Traumerei by Ms Fumie Yanai who had played beautiful piano pieces on our wedding day in April 29th, 39 years ago as well.

Again, thank you so much for joining us this heartwarming gathering and God bless you all.

Kaz Drake
  • 写真:drake.hal and kaz
  • 写真:drake.hal and kaz
  • 写真:drake.hal and kaz

Thank-you Speech on the 8th in Japan

今夕はお忙しい中、又、遠路より故人を偲びご来席頂きまして、心 より御礼申し上げます。生前は親しくご厚情を賜り、誠にありがとうございました。

人との出会いを大切にしておりました故人にとりまして、日本では 勿論の事、赤ちゃんの時より親しんだ子供達が日豪を往来し、その 成長振りを見る事が出来、晩年の何よりの嬉びでした。無くなる数 週間前も 10 才からテニスキャンプで訪れた保坂美穂ちゃんも大学生 となり、ゴールドコースト宅と病院を訪ねて下さいました。

26 才で母国米国カリフォルニアを後にし、39 年半、極東取材に活躍し、退職後は直ちにオーストラリアに転居し、20 年近く日豪の教育、 文化、スポーツ交流の礎を築いてくれました。ゴールドコーストの 海を見ては遠く故郷のカリフォルニアの海岸とオーシャンに思いをはせていたのではないかと思う時がありました。

静かに平和を望み、未来を背負う若者へ深い愛情を注ぎ続けてくれ ました。故人のレガシィを継承する事が、残された私の使命として、 皆様の更なるご支援を賜り、努力致したくよろしくお願い申し上げ まして、皆様のご多幸をお祈り申し上げ、お礼の言葉に変えさせて 頂きます。帰路どうぞお気をつけて下さいませ。

和子 ドレイク
  • 写真:drake.hal and kaz
  • 写真:drake.hal and kaz
  • 写真:drake.hal and kaz